Tag: Rated PG-13

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel WISH UPON review

Wish Upon review

School’s out for summer…but not in theaters apparently. For the second time in as many weeks, high school is the setting for another hopeful Summer success. This time, however, we’re not dealing with a nine figure super filled with franchise fanfare. A quality horror thriller is hard to come by these days but it isn’t …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING review

Spider-Man: Homecoming review

Over the past several years Marvel has continued to rewrite the enormity of their scope. They’ve expanded to global conflicts, interplanetary incursions and even interdimensional mystical melees. Everything just keeps getting bigger and bigger. Sony Pictures, however, has decided to go in an entirely different direction with one of their most valuable commodities. Spider-Man: Homecoming …

Review, Theatrical


Transformers: The Last Knight

Michael Bay’s “robots in disguise” franchise has been a financial force to be reckoned with since the theatrical live action (yeah, heavy CGI counts as live action) debut of Transformers (2007). Since that time, three sequels followed with each making Paramount Pictures truckloads of money. The interesting dynamic is that it didn’t take US audiences …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel 47 METERS DOWN review

47 Meters Down review

Shark movies AGAIN? Haven’t we beaten this dead horse enough? Considering how many movies have been made based on shark attacks, there aren’t a heck of a lot of successful movies that come to mind outside of Jaws (1975). The bar is pretty high when it comes to movies about the most feared creature below …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE BOOK OF HENRY review

The Book of Henry review

Sometimes you can watch a trailer or read a synopsis and know exactly where a movie is going to end up. In case of The Book of Henry, pretty much everyone will have an inkling where this last chapter will end up. Even so, it won’t make the story unfolding right before your eyes any …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE MUMMY review

The Mummy review

Universal first unwrapped The Mummy franchise back in 1932 with Boris Karloff playing the title role. There have been a couple of series reboots since then with the Brendan Fraser-led version being the most recent starting in 1999. Now Universal is ready to move forward again with another reboot but they’ve also decided to go …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel WONDER WOMAN review

Wonder Woman review

It’s 2017 and DC Comics is STILL struggling to find its cinematic universe identity. The “guys across the street” operate like a well-oiled machine while Warner Bros. has been playing a futile game of catch-up. Director Patty Jenkins has been given the keys to the castle and an opportunity to a superhero cinematic splash. Wonder …

Review, Theatrical


King Arthur: Legend of the Sword

No one can argue that Guy Richie has quite the unique way of telling a story. You can always tell his work if you’ve seen any of his past movies. The “guy” is never short on dialogue nor is he shy about making the unconventional conventional. Every time I think, “hmmmm he’s a peculiar chose …