Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? review

For more than three decades, Fred Rogers captured the minds and hearts of Americans from the age of 3 to 93. The most charming man in a Cardigan captivated his audiences in a simple childlike manner at first glance, but once you listened, I mean really listened, people began to realize that this was a man of great wisdom and insight. Fred Rogers was the host of a popular long-running public television children’s show called Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood which ran from 1968 to 2001. During this time he touched many lives and there were equally as many heartfelt stories or declarations of respect spoken about this gentle soul. The new documentary Won’t You Be My Neighbor? takes audiences on a strong down memory lane while exploring the impact that he left on society as a whole.

Growing up during the time that Mister Rogers was on-air may have felt like something that was taken for granted. Looking back on his amazing career as an entertainer, role model, teacher and friend is nothing short of extraordinary when watching it through the eyes of director Morgan Neville. Won’t You Be My Neighbor? gives a very comprehensive look at everything that made Fred Rogers so endearing to others. The documentary touches on his pre-fame life, how his show got started, the realization that this was more than “just a television show” and how left behind a massive impression on others that won’t soon be forgotten.

As documentaries go, Won’t You Be My Neighbor? is definitely one of the more memorable ones to watch. Things we take for granted now, such as interactions with our own children is a night and day difference compared to what was not so long ago. Let’s be honest, this wasn’t really an age where parents had meaningful conversations with their kids regarding world events. Mister Rogers was this familiar face and friendly voice that felt like family. The documentary goes through great lengths to illustrate just how beloved he was. No one, it seems, has a bad thing to say about the man.

By the time the hour and a half passes that it takes to completely enjoy this feature, you will feel good about the world regardless of what’s going on in it currently. That is the kind of timeless hope that Fred Rogers gives to people. And by simply watching Won’t You Be My Neighbor?, you will receive this same gift. You will laugh. You will cry. You will learn some fun facts. Definitely put this movie on your must-see list. Enjoy it in theaters now.

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