Tag: Action

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE OATH review

We’ve all had challenging times with friends and family during holidays, although it’s usually family that gets under our skin the most. I mean after all, you can choose your friends but family, not so much. Well it’s very doubtful that any of us have an experience that’s been as crazy as what one extended …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE PREDATOR review

Technically speaking, The Predator is now the sixth movie in the franchise featuring the technologically advanced hunters from another planet. It all started with the Arnold Schwarzenegger-led Predator (1987) which is now more than 30 years old. Yikes! The sequel, Predator 2 (1990), followed before going dormant for more than a decade, presumably because fans …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel PEPPERMINT review

To most people, family means just about everything. We live our lives while taking so much for granted, not stopping often enough to appreciate all that we have. For one very unfortunate mother, everything that she holds near and dear to her is about to be ripped away in an instant. People are capable of …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel KIN review

We’re right at the tail end of August which typically is a place where studios stick the movies that have a snowball’s chance in…well…summer of succeeding. Typically these are ones that couldn’t quite stand up to the big boys and girls in the school yard but might find some success in the area where the …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE MEG review

August is in full swing which means, in the movie world, this is the time to burn through some titles that weren’t quite hot enough to withstand the summer blockbuster heat. It’s not necessarily that these are bad movies, although some of them definitely will be, it’s more of a case where the smart business …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE SPY WHO DUMPED ME review

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) is a classic James Bond film starring Roger Moore in the iconic lead role. As with many other successful movies over time, they are more often than not, “borrowed” for comedic inspiration at some point down the road. Mike Myers’ Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me (1999) is …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel TEEN TITANS GO! TO THE MOVIES review

Teen Titans Go! To the Movies is the first theatrical offering based on the Teen Titans Go! television series (hence the creatively entertaining title) which already has five seasons under its belt. Do to its success on Comedy Central, the animated, occasionally edgy, comedy which focuses on a younger generation of DC Comics looking to …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – FALLOUT review

It’s no coincidence that the Mission: Impossible franchise really took off, in terms of widely agreed upon quality from both the critics and the fans, when Christopher McQuarrie was hired on to direct the Tom Cruise-led espionage action adventure. The McQuarrie/Cruise symbiotic cinematic cohesiveness began ten years ago with Valkyrie (2008) which starred Cruise and …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel SKYSCRAPER review

As far as Alpha Males go, Dwayne Johnson would be right up there at the front of line if you did a lineup of all of Hollywood’s leading men over the last decade. Anyone that can still be seen as intimidating dressed as a Tooth Fairy is full regalia has my vote. Regardless of the …

Review, Theatrical

Time for a Reel THE FIRST PURGE review

Five years ago, The Purge (2013) was released into the wild. The idea of living in a world where all crime was legal for 12 hours a year was quite compelling and proved its worth by making Blumhouse Productions and Universal Pictures a lot of money. Even though the ratings weren’t that hot, a squeal …